Állásinterjú angolul
10 állásinterjú kérdés és válasz angolul
Az alábbiakban 10 gyakran előforduló angol állásinterjú kérdést és választ olvashat. Ha alaposan fel szeretne készülni az interjúra angolul, előbb magyarul érdemes ezt megtenni. Ehhez ajánlom az Állásinterjú haladóknak című könyvet, melyben 150 állásinterjú kérdést és 250 választ olvashat. A mintaválaszokból inspirációkat meríthet a saját válaszaihoz.
1. Általános angol állásinterjú kérdések
Q: Tell me about yourself?
A: „I am, the kind of person who thrives in an environment where l have to coordinate lots of people and lots of different agendas and schedules. That skill is what l believe has earned me success in brand management. It is also the reason l couldn’t imagine having a job in which l followed a routine or had only one or two repressibilities.”
Q: Your resume shows a gap in your work history. What happened?
A: „Yes, at that time l was unemployed for four months because l was laid off from my employer as they were closing the office where l worked. During that time, and while looking for another job, l was able to learn and master a new project management tool and several techniques that are sure to strengthen my project management skills.”
Q: Why do you want to leave your job?
A: „l do enjoy working at my current job. The culture and the people make it a great place to work. But l am looking for more responsibility with new and fresh challenges. l have worked on and successfully completed several projects from start to finish during the past two years.
Currently, advancement opportunities are scarce at my current job, l don’t mind a slowdown in pace from time to time, but it’s important to me to keep my career continually moving in a forward direction that is consistent with my career goals.”
„Departmental changes and corporate restructuring have made it difficult to keep on track with my career goals. As a result of these changes, future advancement opportunities are limited and l no longer see a future for myself with this company.”
2. Motivációt feltáró interjúkérdések
Q: What are your long term career goals?
A: „For the past 3 years, l have been working as a systems analyst and l see myself growing by moving into more challenging roles, with greater responsibility, perhaps in management or project management.” „l have already proven that l can be a leader in all of my past jobs so l am confident that l will continue to take on new challenges that require greater responsibility.
l enjoy the whole life cycle of new projects from developing the proof of concept, creating a plan and working toward its successful completion.”
Q: Why do you want to work here?
A: „l’m not looking to just change jobs for the sake of changing, nor am l looking for another or larger paycheck, l have been working for X amount of years and l’m proud of my profession. Your company has excellent products, provides superior service and has a reputation that the competition is envious of. l share the same values that make this possible, which should enable me to not only fit in to your organization, but complement the team.”
Q: Do you know anything about our company?
A: „l know you’re an industry leader and have been so for several years. l know that your products are unique and used all over the world. l know that you have had a few slumps and did not show a profit for one year, but pulled yourself out and showed a 20% profit the following year.”
Q: What interests you about this position?
A: „My interests are twofold, l have a great admiration for this company because of their outstanding reputation in the industry and being able to take part and contribute to their success as a senior sales engineer will put me in a position to work with more people and solve a greater degree of problems than l’m currently doing in my current position.”
3. Kompetenciaalapú és feltevésen alapuló interjú kérdések angolul
Q: Can you give me an example of a situation in which you helped motivate other members of your team to complete a project?
A: „l simply treat others as l want to be treated. A while back, l was in charge of having our corporate website revamped. l’m not a web designer, so l had to work with a team of programmers and graphic artists to get the job done. l was firm but fair and did not want to come across as being too easy, otherwise they would walk all over me and we’d never get done.
l took the time to understand individual strengths and weaknesses and assigned tasks accordingly and for the most part everyone remained in their comfort zone. Instead of telling everyone what to do, l asked them, and by asking, they are agreeing and are more likely to make a stronger commitment to getting the task done.
l treated everyone with respect and listened to them and made them feel like their work was the most important part of the project.
When they needed help, l rolled up my sleeves and did whatever l could. lt made them feel good to see me get my hands dirty and further motivated them. l held weekly meetings and made everyone accountable for completing their work.
l even bought lunch for the team every Friday, as long as the project was on schedule, l ended up buying a lot of lunches and we had a lot of fun.”
Q: When conflict arises between you and another co-worker, what do you do?
A: „l’m fairly thick skinned and don’t really get offended too often, but conflict is generally unavoidable and is sure to come up. When it does, l try to be reasonable and work out the issue to both our satisfaction.”
4. Vezetőknek szóló interjúkérdés
Q: What aspect of your management style would you like to change?
A: I have been to working on holding back the urge to tell people the answers when they ask for advice. I think it is more important to teach people how to solve their own problems. I have gotten better at coaching and presenting questions and feedback without telling people what to do.”
5. Nehéz interjú kérdések angolul
Q: What skills do you offer that are most relevant to this job?
A: My engineering background gives me a logical problem solving ability that I know will be useful in assessing client needs. That background will also help your consulting firm sell business to manufacturers who themselves employ many engineers.
Q: What do you consider your most significant strengths?
A: „l have a solid background in Accounts Receivables, great problem solving abilities and l get things done with little direction.”
„l can work with many different types of people of varying personalities and skill levels. l am motivated, disciplined, and focused and am determined to get my job done well and on time.”
Q: What are your weaknesses?
A: One of my weaknesses is that l tend to take on a little too much responsibility, then feel that l have to carry it myself. l need to be more willing to talk to my supervisors or co-workers, ask for their advice and suggestion, and even seek their help from time to time.”
Q: What would your last boss want to change about your work habits?
A: „He want me to be a morning person rather than a night owl. I Iike to stay late; he loves to be at work by 7 a.m. The business day is so busy that we usually talk during lunch when we need to discuss something without interruptions.”
6. Teljesítményre vonatkozó állásinterjú kérdések
Q: What are your biggest accomplishments?
A: „My biggest accomplishment to date is graduating from: law school where l achieved my Bachelors and Masters degree in Chemical Engineering.”
“My biggest accomplishment to date is increasing sales in my department by 30% simply by changing our marketing strategies. Sales were at an all-time low and we could not figure out why. So l approached our problem from a different angle, the customers’ point of view and changed our marketing campaign to better focus on our products features and benefits.”
Q: Have you ever delivered more than what was expected at your job?
A: l always try to do more than l’m expected to do. Not because l want to impress everyone, it’s just the way l am. l don’t expect my extra efforts to even get noticed, though it sure feels good when l receive a compliment. l don’t hesitate to work late or even on weekends, just constantly strive to be the best. As a result, my managers and co-workers always know they can count on me, always.”
Q: What skills do you feel you need to advance in your career?
A: „The skill set is always changing for people in my career and is largely dependent on manufactures of technology products. For me to remain competitive l need to keep my skills sharp and continually develop new ones, l do this by researching what technology is most important to my customers or the business and focus in on those. Then l will try and subscribe to manufacture sponsored classes to gain an in-depth product knowledge.”
7. Személyiséget feltáró kérdések
Q: How would your co-workers describe you?
A: „My co-workers will tell you that l am a team player and a colleague they can count on to pull his weight whether it’s a normal day or we’re in a crunch.”
Q: What are some of the things that bother you?
A: „lt bothers me the most when other people l work with don’t meet their deadlines or deliver what they promise.”
Q: How do you get along with different types of people?
A: „Throughout my career, l have had to work very closely with some of the most mean and aggressive personalities. One place l worked, one of the employees was so angry all the time that l was the only one in the company who could get along with him on a personal and professional level except for the president. They only kept him around because customers loved him, but his co-workers hated him.”
Q: Did you ever have a boss that you did not like or get along with
„My past boss and l got along very well. We were always on the same page with where the business was going. We shared a lot about our personal lives and formed a strong bond.”
„My relationship with my boss was purely business and we did get along on a professional level. We did disagree on a few things from time to time, but this was nothing more than varying viewpoints. lt was enjoyable for me to explain a different perspective on how we should approach a project. Sometimes my boss accepted my ideas and thought they were better than his and other times he pointed out flaws in my ideas.”
8. Hatékonyságot firtató kérdések
Q: Do you feel that you are an organized person?
A: „Yes, l consider myself to be well organized. Every day when l arrive at work, l check my email and messages. Then l plan out exactly what l am going to do that day.
Even if l already know that l am going to work on the Johnson proposal, l still review my current status and set my goals for the day. At the end of the day, l review my progress and plan for the following day.”
Q: How do you manage your time?
A: „l have found that if l don’t create daily, weekly, and monthly goals, it seems like nothing ever gets done. l keep track of all my responsibilities and goals in a spreadsheet and review them daily. l mark down when l am first assigned a task, how long l think it will take, when it needs to be completed and how much time l will need to spend on it each day to complete the job on time.
This helps me in so many ways, but mainly it keeps me on track with what is important. lt also helps me from getting overbooked and promising more than l can deliver. Now, l can always deliver what l promise and be on-time.”
9. Stressztűrést vizsgáló interjúkérdés
Q: Can you work under pressure?
A: „l most definitely can. ln my current position, l can be faced with stressful situations that require me to work under pressure on a daily basis and have since learned to manage stress” Now it’s just part of the job that l do well.”
10. Tipikus zárókérdés angol állásinterjún
Q: What can you do for us that no one else can?
A: „l am a well-rounded individual with a unique blend of skills. Past training and job experiences have allowed me to take on and complete projects and assignments of high importance and increasing difficulty while on time and under budget. And now, l want to be part of your team and solving problems for you.”
If you are interested in practicing the whole interview in English, I recommend my partner Balázs Boldvai, who is an experienced English teacher. You can go through the steps of real interview in English, and you can also improve your language skills. You can reach him at boldvai@me.com, or at +36 30 5949 791.
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